Many people put off making a Will for a number of reasons. Some believe they don't need to make a Will as their estate will automatically pass to who they wish or that they only need to make a Will later in life. The truth is that many of us put it off until it's too late.
There are different types of Will and Rebecca can assess which is best for you and your circumstances.
You can appoint executors and trustees to deal with your estate, guardians to look after your children and determine who receives your estate.
Trusts are an extremely useful tool in protecting your assets upon your death for your loved ones.
If your assets pass into a trust after your death, your surviving partner cannot affect how these assets are distributed once they die. Your wishes are already in effect. You can enable your partner to enjoy the asset while they are alive and choose whom it will pass to once they die.
A Discretionary Trust allows you to place particular assets or residue of your estate to a group of beneficiaries. Trustees are appointed to administer the trust. It is a good way of protecting financially vulnerable beneficiaries as the Trustees can manage the inheritance for them.
Why not contact us to book a free consultation to discuss your will and trust needs or call 0116 237 4869.
"Very happy with the advice given and professional way everything has been handled."
Mrs E R Quincey
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